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President Bush's Secret Weapon


Behind every successful world leader there lies a great speechwriter, whose masterfully choosen words resonate with the values and hopes of their nation.

In an exclusive interview with Comedy Central, Bush's main speechwriter, Harlan McCraney, provides a rare glimpse behind-the-scenes at the influences and philosophy that underpin many of President Bush's most memorable speeches.

The 14 Megabytes video is worth the wait. Requires Apple QuickTime.

July 24, 2005 in Humour | Permalink


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» The Speech Writer - The Secret Weapon from The English Guy
I saw this post on my bloglines feeds this morning, from Nuke Labour, and after watching it had to mail my friends and spread it around. So I thought I would blog it (as well as add it to the dailies above). It is a humorous interview at President Bus... [Read More]

Tracked on 25 Jul 2005 15:25:21


OMG that is hilarious :) thanks for the link!

Posted by: the english guy | 25 Jul 2005 15:22:42

You're welcome. I'm always looking for an excuse to pass the link on to as many people as possible.

The 'real American' sketch is truly inspired.

Posted by: Nuke Labour | 25 Jul 2005 23:49:19

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